Banda con los colores de la bandera
Ciudadano ecuatoriano mirando hacia arriba

The Ecuadorian Civic Committee, officially registered as the Ecuadorian Civic Committee of New York, Inc®, is a non-profit organization established in New York State for 25 years. We are pleased to present to our community and area business people the valuable work we do to promote integration, coexistence and interculturalism in our country of origin, Ecuador.

In 1980, the Ecuadorian Civic Committee of New York had its beginnings under the leadership of Ambassador Martin Manosalvas Vaca, Consul General of Ecuador in New York, when he received the official proclamation from the Mayor of New York to initiate the festivities for the independence of Ecuador. Since then, it has consolidated as the main organization of the Ecuadorian community in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

By June of the same year, an Executive Committee was established to coordinate the Ecuadorian Week celebrations in New York, comprised of Ecuadorian professional, sports, cultural and media associations. This committee established 6 commissions to address key areas such as culture, finance, sports, social affairs, public relations, press and advertising.

"We have to be the change we want to see in the world."


Our Mission

  • Create a charitable and educational organization that provides a unified voice for the concerns of Ecuadorian groups in the area.
  • Work to create a nationally supported agenda for the Hispanic community, focusing on empowering the Ecuadorian population and other citizens through the implementation of programs developed by Ecuadorians.
  • To organize Ecuadorians committed to the progress and promotion of the community, recognizing their leadership and dedication.
  • To promote Ecuadorian culture and language throughout the year, with a particular emphasis during Ecuadorian Heritage Month, in accordance with the proclamation of the Ecuadorian Consulate in New York and the approval of the Executive Board, as well as relevant state and local authorities.
Ciudadanos ecuatorianos

Heritage Month


  1. Ecuadorian Beauty Pageant.
  2. Ecuadorian Parade along Northern Blvd. in Queens County, New York.
  3. Ecuadorian Folkloric and Artistic Festival in Queens County, New York.
  4. Gala Banquet
  5. Cultural and sports expositions coordinated by the committees established for this purpose.
  6. Establish and publish an official monthly newsletter of the Ecuadorian Civic Committee of New York, Inc. focused on informing, creating and maintaining a positive image of Ecuadorians and Hispanics.
  7. Establish and maintain effective liaison with relevant political and governmental organizations to influence and promote the advancement of Ecuadorians, creating initiatives that impact legislation, public policy, business development and the placement of Ecuadorians and other Hispanics in key positions in the public and private sectors.
  8. Develop and implement programs that benefit Ecuadorians in areas such as health, education, social and economic welfare._
  9. Advocate for policies and procedures that affect Ecuadorians in areas such as economic development, legislation and health reform.
  10. To support and encourage individuals associated with government agencies and private industry to promote initiatives that positively impact the Ecuadorian community.

and works 

The ECC has collaborated directly and in cooperation with various institutions for more than twenty years of existence, consolidating itself as an important national support for a wide range of events.

In the cultural field, it has organized, sponsored and co-sponsored the presentation of theatrical and literary works in various genres, book launches, conferences, as well as editorial and research projects. It has also sponsored exhibitions of painting, sculpture, handicrafts and folklore.

In terms of music, the ECC has been an important promoter of concerts and has continuously promoted Ecuadorian music and art. This includes supporting artists based in the United States and inviting outstanding exponents of national music.

Our constant sponsorship of our art represented in painting, sculpture, crafts and folklore. In the musical area, we have sponsored concerts and are constantly promoting Ecuadorian artists by supporting their efforts in various tours and presentations in the United States, specifically New York and the Tri-State area.

In the community work,

the Committee maintains permanent programs of:

  • Computer training
  • Counseling to the community in labor union
  • English language training
  • Personal Development Workshops
  • Guidance to undocumented immigrants
  • Immigrant rights seminars
  • Business development workshops
  • Focus on our local talent; artists: musicians, sculptors, writers, etc.
  • Together with the Vista Para Todos Foundation, we organize events to provide reading glasses to seniors and wheelchairs to people with disabilities. These acts of generosity are made possible thanks to the invaluable support of Diego Benitez.
Ciudadanos ecuatorianos con fondo de la bandera



This dream was and is guided by a life motto "He who has God, has everything". Aware of the daily needs of Ecuador,
this NGO decided to focus on integrated visual health.